Wooden Artifacts Group Postprints Archive

Index by Year
Index by Author


Index by Author


Adair, William, The Picture Frames of Stanford White (1853-1906), 1986

Alessi, Doreen L., Adirondack Rustic Architecture and Regional Watercraft:
Case Studies of Artifact Use at the Adirondack Museum
, 2006

Anderson, Mark & Gregory Landrey, Treatment Protocol for a 1929 Phantom I Wood Body Rolls-Royce Automobile, 2005

Anderson, Mark
New Applications of Non-damaging Upholstery
, 1989
A Non-damaging Upholstery System Applied to an 18th Century Easy Chair, 1988

Anderson, Mark J., & Michael Sandor Podmaniczky, Preserving the Artifact: Minimally Intrusive Conservation Treatment at the Winterthur Museum, 1990

Augerson, Chris
An ‘Archaeological’ Approach to Treating the Polychrome Sleigh The Turtle, 2004
The Use of Less Toxic Solvents in the Treatment of a Royal French Sleigh, ca. 1720, 2000

Baker, Jennifer & Fred Lugano, A Passive Approach to Practical Climate Control, 1999

Barclay, R.L., The Stradivarius and the DC-3, 2006

Baumeister, Mechthild & Stéphanie Rabourdin-Auffret, A Seventeenth-century Parisian Ebony Cabinet Restored by Herter Brothers, 2005

Baumeister, Mechthild, Jean Dunand—A French Art Déco Artist Working with Asian Lacquer, 2002

Bayne, David
Painted Rush Seats, 1998
Easy Computer Graphics for Conservators, 1991

Berndt, Harald, Assessing the Detrimental Effects of Wood and Wood Products on the Environment Inside a Display Case, 1987

Bigelow, Deborah & Liz Hickey, A Review of the Consolidation System Used in the Conservation of a Japanned Clock, 1990

Bigelow Deborah & Tamsen Fuller, Conservation of a Nineteenth Century Pier Table, 1987

Blanchfield, David B., The Research and Treatment of a Late 18th-Century Lyre Guitar: A Collaborative Effort, 1996

Blank, Ron, Did George Washington Sit Here? French Furniture in the American President’s House, 2000

Bowman, Alton
The History of the Rosedown Bed, a Gothic Tale, 2001
The Condition of the World’s Tropical Forests, and Its Impact on Furniture Conservation, 1992

Brandon, Jon E. The Use of Stretcher Compression in Preindustrial American Windsor Chairs, 2000

Brandon, Jon & Gordon Hanlon, A Low Tech Method for Insect Eradication Using Ageless, 2003

Braun, Thomas J., A New Material for Producing Faux Tortoise-shell Fills, 2002

Brennan, Timothy, Preserving Change in the Restoration of an 18th Century New York Kast, 2003

Buck, Susan L.
A Study of the Materials and Environment at Russel Wright’s Dragon Rock, 1996
Three Case Studies in the Treatment of Painted Furniture, 1993
A Technical and Stylistic Comparison of Twelve Massachusetts State House Chairs, 1991
A Study of the Properties of Commercial Liquid Hide Glue and Traditional Hot Hide Glue in the Response to Changes in Relative Humidity and Temperature,

Carr, Melissa H.
Lacquer Loss Compensation Revisited: More Big Holes in the Top, 2003
Another Method for Taking Cross-sections for Microscopic Finish Analysis, 2002
A Conservation Perspective on the Wooden Carvings of the Pacific Northwest Coast, 1993

Carr, Melissa H. & John Driggers, Loss Compensation of Lacquer on Two Chinese Tables, 1997

Considine, Brian, The Design of the Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation Laboratory at the Getty Center, 1998

Considine, Brian, et al., Progress in Project on the Feasibility of Using Modified Atmospheres for Museum Pest Eradication: An Overview, 1993

Cornu, Elisabeth, Should Conservators Regild the Lily?, or, On the Ethics of Gilding Conservation, 1986

Cornu, Elisabeth, Alejandro Yee, Raquel Carreras Rivery, Amaurys Mejias Torres & Laritza Alvarez, Wood Conservation in Cuba: Treatment of a Chinese Altar in La Habana Vieja, 2001

Courtney, John A. Jr, Functional Conservation Upholstery Treatments for the Real World, 2000

Daly, Susan, The Restoration of the Schooner Yacht Coronet: The Balance between Historic Preservation and Future Use, 2006

Davis, Marylou, Problems in the Conservation of Decorative Painted Surfaces, 1988

Davis, Marylou & Kate Bergquist, The Conservation and Renovation of the First Parish Church Interior, Brunswick, Maine: a building designed by Richard Upjohn and built in 1845, 1993

Deller, Craig
The Conservation of the Historic Dearborn Telescope, 1999
French Polish from a Conservator’s Point of View: Some Ideas for a Better Coating, 1998

deMuzio, David, Evaluating Upholstery Layouts Using Digital Imaging, 2002

Derrick, Michele R., Infrared Spectral Analysis of Natural Resins Used in Furniture Finishes, 1988

Derrick, Michele R., Dusan Stulik, James M. Landry & Steven P. Bouffard
Infrared Mapping Microspectroscopy for Identification of Furniture Finish Layers,

Dorge, Valerie, Photographic Reproductions Used to Replace Decorative Veneer Losses on a Small Sewing Box, 1992

Driggers, John M., Robert D. Mussey & Suzanne M. Garvin
Treatment of an Ivory-Inlaid Anglo-Indian Desk Bookcase, 1991

Eastman, Peter, Databases for Furniture Conservation: A Furniture Conservator Reports from Cyberspace, 1997

Edwards, W. Patrick, Current Trends in Conservation of Marquetry Surfaces, 1997

Ellis, Lisa & Arlen Heginbotham, An Evaluation of Four Barrier Coating and Epoxy Combinations in the Structural Repair of Wooden Objects, 2002

Esmay, Francesca & Roger Griffith, An Investigation of Cleaning Methods for Untreated Wood, 2004

Fallon, Tad D.
A Regional Study in Early Nineteenth-century Cabinetmaking:
Charles Warner, Cabinetmaker, Poughkeepsie, New York
Surviving Disaster: Examination and Treatment of a Late 18th Century Desk and Bookcase from the Butler-McCook House, 2003

Fallon, Tad D. & Randy S. Wilkinson, We Can Fix It, But Should We? A Technical Investigation of an 18th Century Rush Seat Side Chair, 2000

Flexner, Bob, Breaking the Barrier, 2000

Fountain, Clint and Chris Shelton, A Low-Tech Embedding Technique for Coating Samples, 1993

Gill, Kathryn, Upholstery Conservation, 1988

Gillis, Kathy
Conservation of a Diminutive Ivory-Clad Drop-Front Secretary
from Vizigapatam, India,
After the Deluge: The Conservation of Two Chinese Chests, 1998

Gerrish, Sarah, A Comparison of Conservation Philosophies: A Collaborative Project between the National Museums of Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland, 2003

Gleason, Margaret A., Lisa A. Kronthal, Harriet F. Beaubien, Carol A. Grissom & Donald C. Williams, Treatment of The U. S. House of Representatives Mace: An Object in Use, 1992

Glover, Hugh
A Description of 19th-century American Gilded Picture Frames and an
Outline of Their Modern Use and Conservation,

Two Furnishings from Strawberry Hill: Exploration and Treatment,

Treatment of a Labyrinth: Addressing Decayed Losses in a Large Outdoor Wood Sculpture Located in a Public Place, 1997

Godla, Joseph, The Use of Wax Finishes on Pre-Industrial American Furniture, 1991

Graves, Leroy & Joanna Ruth Harris, Southern Sofas, 1996

Graves, Leroy, Heather Porter & F. Carey Howlett, Retreating the Treaty Box: Dealing with Deteriorated Materials and Aged Acrylic Consolidant in an Historic Document Box, 2001

Hanlon, Gordon
Packing a Collection: Furniture Packing, Transport and Storage at the MFA, Boston, 2004
Examination and Treatment of a German Gilded Console Table, 1992

Hanlon, Gordon, et al., Dynamic System for Nitrogen Anoxia of Large Museum Objects: A Pest Eradication Study, 1993

Hanlon, Gordon & Melissa H. Carr, The Deinstallation of a Period Room: What Goes in to Taking One Out, 2006

Harpainter, Mark, Tips on Removeable Upholstery Caps & Backing Fretted Panels, 2002

Heginbotham, Arlen
What’s Old Is New: B-72 and the Treatment of Degraded Furniture Finishes, 2001
The Examination and Treatment of an American Gilded Girandole, ca. 1830, 1999

Heginbotham, Arlen, Victoria Millay & Michael Quick, The Use of Immunofluorescence Microscopy (IFM) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) as Complementary Techniques for Protein Identification in Artists’ Materials, 2004

Heginbotham, Arlen, & Didier Pousset, The Practical Application of Dendrochronology to Furniture: The Case of the J. Paul Getty Museum’s Renaissance Burgundian Cabinet, 2006

Howard, Brian R., Acetone-Rosin Treatment for Waterlogged Wood, 1990

Howlett, F. Carey
Counteracting Warpage in Wooden Objects: Two Approaches,

A Treatment for the Reduction of Warpage, 1988

Kirschner, Pamela
Mid-Century Frank Lloyd Wright: Preserving the Price Tower and
Gordon House Interiors,
Preserving Graycliff: An Examination of the Colors, Fabrics and Furniture of the Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Summer Residence of Isabelle Martin, 2001
Treatment of Objects from the Darwin Martin House, 1999
Early Frank Lloyd Wright Furniture: A Technical Study of Objects from the Darwin Martin House, 1998

Kjelland, John R., Adhesive Transfer of 24,520 Square Inches of Marquetry, 1997

Koster, John, Woods in Early American Keyboard Instruments as Evidence of Origins, 1995

Kurtz, Daniel, Up a Creek Without a Paddle: The History and Conservation of an 1870s Birch Bark Canoe, 1997

Kutney, Mark, Chris Swan & F. Carey Howlett, Conservator, Curator, Craftsman: Collaborations at Colonial Williamsburg, 1996

Kutney, Mark Stephen & Phillipe Lafargue, The Reproduction of the Royal Coat-of-Arms of King George III of England, 1995

Lafargue, Philippe, Coating Veneer Technique, 1993

Landrey, Gregory J.,
Fluorescence Microscopy,

Transparent Finishes on Furniture and Fluorescent Microscopy, 1987
Furniture Conservation Training Opportunities at SAAR in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Training in Furniture Conservation Through Winterthur’s Art Conservation Program, 1986

Landrey, Gregory J., Richard Wolbers & Nancy Reinhold, Surface Treatment of a Philadelphia Pillar-and-Claw Snap-top Table, 1988

Martin, James S., The Use of a Combined Polarizing Light/Epi-fluorescence Microscope for Examination and Analysis of Painted and Coated Objects and Samples, 1996

Matthaes, Gottfried, Spectroscopic Dating and Classification of Wood, 2002

Meincke, Angela, Chris White, & Kim Nichols, Decorative and Functional Uses of Paper on Furniture, 2003

Minor, Mark
Conservation of the Koutoubia Minbar: A Short Story of an Epic in Marrakech or, a Travelogue Disguised as a Treatment Paper, 1998
Laser Reproduction of Brass/Wood Inlay in Furniture by Charles Honoré Lannuier,

Moore, Charles Jeffers, Treatment of an Early 20th Century Road Coach: Alfred G. Vanderbilt’s “Venture”, 1992

Moyer, Cynthia & Gordon Hanlon, Conservation of the Darnault Mirror, Part II: An Acrylic Emulsion Compensation System, 1995

Moyer, Cynthia, Finish Conservation on a Deming and Bulkley,
circa 1825 New York Classical Pier Table: An Evolution
, 2003

Munn, Jessie, Treatment Techniques for the Vellum-covered Furniture by Carlo Bugatti, 1989

Mussey, Robert, Preliminary Notes on the Use of Polysulfide Resin as Filler-Adhesive for Losses in Aged Leather, 1986

Neumann, Antje, The Identification and Treatment of Surfaces on a 17th Century Indian Writing Desk, 2000

Parker, Rick
The Coffin of Paseshes: A Treatment, 2003
A Low Cost Security System for the Small Conservation Lab, 1991

Philp, Flavia
Coloured Woods on Eighteenth-Century Furniture, 1999
UV Light Photography as Aid in the Conservation of Eighteenth-Century Furniture, 1997

Pine, Steven L., Adhesion Problems and Degradation of Epoxy Finishes on PEG-Treated Wood, 2006

Podmaniczky, Michael Sandor, Conservation of a Degraded Late 18th Century Windsor Settee: Contrasted with Traditional Methods of Restoration, 1988

Ravenel, Nancie “There is a house that is no more a house.” Conservation of the
Painted Wall Paneling in Shelburne Museum’s Stencil House,

Russell, Maureen, The Fox and the Saint, 2000

Rust, Michael K., et al., The Feasibility of Using Modified Atmospheres to Control Insect Pests in Museums, 1993

Salimnejad, Behrooz
Formulating Gesso Fills with Bismuth Oxide for Discrimination by X-radiography, 2005
Formulating Gesso Fills for Discrimination by X-radiography,

Schniewind, Arno P.
On the Reversibility of Consolidation Treatments of Deteriorated wood with Soluble Resins,

What Goes Up Must Come Down, But is it Reversible?, 1987

Schniewind, Arno P. & Peter Y. Eastman, Consolidant Distribution in Deteriorated Wood Treated With Soluble Resins, 1992

Schniewind, Arno P., Roger Baird, & Dale P. Kronkright, Rescuing Dudley Carter’s Goddess of the Forest, 1996

Shelton, Chris
The Use of Aquazol-Based Gilding Preparations, 1996
Johannes Spitler, a Virginia Furniture Decorator at the Turn of the 19th Century, 1992

Sherin, Richard, Treatment of a Late 19th Century 'Peerless' Portable Washstand Manufactured by the Hale & Kilburn Manufacturing Company 48 & 50 North Sixth Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1986

Smith, C. Wayne
Rethinking Conservation Paradigms for the Preservation of Waterlogged Wood, 2005
A Second Set of Experiments Using Hydrolyzable Polymers to Preserve Waterlogged Wood, 2002

Smith, Michael, Uncovering History: Using Photoshop to Enhance Images for Research, 2002

Swan, Christopher M.,
Museum Objects and Private Collections: Conserving an 1870s Frullini Armchair for Use, 2006
The Bayly Couch, circa 1820, Baltimore, 2004
Documentary Imaging: Some Applications For Furniture,

Thomson, Christine, "Last But Not Least" Examination and Interpretation of Coatings on Brass Hardware, 1991

Thorn, Nancy, Restoring a Pair of Gilded Girandoles, 1987

Thornton, Jonathan, The History and Technology of Waveform Moldings: Reproducing and Using Moxon’s "Waving Engine," 2002

Trupin, Deborah Lee, Bottoms Up! (Some solutions for supporting sprung seats in historic upholstered furniture), 2002

Twitchell, Joe, Non-Invasive Foundations for Upholstery, 1991

van der Reyden, Dianne and Donald C. Williams, The Technology and Conservation Treatment of a Nineteenth Century English 'Papier Mache' Chair, 1986

van Horne, Cornelis L., Ethical Considerations of the Conservator in Private Practice, 1991

von Endt, David & Mary T. Baker, Introduction to FTIR Analysis of Coatings, 1987

von Reventlow, Victor, The Conservation of Marquetry and Boulle Surfaces: An Alternative Approach, 1988

Watson, John, Instrument and Document: Balancing Values in the Conservation of Musical Instruments, 2006

Webb, Marianne, Removal of an Insoluble Varnish from an 18th Century Clock Case, 1989

Williams, Donald C. & Mary T. Baker, Abrasiveness of Packing Materials - A Preliminary Research Project Report, 1988

Williams, Mark A.
Reproduction of Machine-stamped Pierced Brass Decoration by Photoetching Processes,
An Assessment of Consolidating Wooden Objects: Notes on the 1984 WAG Think-tank, 1988

Wilkinson, Randy S., Baleen: Its Use as Line Inlay on an 18th c. Chest-of-Drawers, 2003

Wilmering, Antoine M. Traditions and Trends in Furniture Conservation, 2005

Wilson, Dawn M., Further uses for Paraloid B-72: Infilling systems for gilded, painted, and lacquered wood, 1998

Wolbers, Richard & Greg Landrey, The Use of Direct Reactive Fluorescent Dyes for the Characterization of Binding Media In Cross Sectional Examinations, 1987

Zawacki, Andrew, The Preparation for Display of a 24-foot Dugout Canoe, 1986

Various authors, Furniture in France, May 2004

Various authors, Furniture in France, May 2001