Wooden Artifacts Group Postprints Archive

Index by Year
Index by Author


2003 Papers

Preserving Change in the Restoration of an 18th Century New York Kast
Timothy Brennan

A Low Tech Method for Insect Eradication Using Ageless
Jon Brandon & Gordon Hanlon

Surviving Disaster: Examination and Treatment of a Late 18th Century Desk and Bookcase from the Butler-McCook House
Tad D. Fallon

The Coffin of Paseshes: A Treatment
Rick Parker

A Comparison of Conservation Philosophies: A Collaborative Project between the National Museums of Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland
Sarah Gerrish

Finish Conservation on a Deming and Bulkley, circa 1825 New York Classical Pier Table: An Evolution
Cynthia Moyer

Lacquer Loss Compensation Revisited: More Big Holes in the Top
Melissa H. Carr

Baleen: Its Use as Line Inlay on an 18th c. Chest-of-Drawers
Randy S. Wilkinson

Decorative and Functional Uses of Paper on Furniture
Angela Meincke, Chris White, & Kim Nichols