Wooden Artifacts Group Postprints Archive

Index by Year
Index by Author


1986 Papers

The Picture Frames of Stanford White (1853-1906)
William Adair

Should Conservators Regild the Lily?, or, On the Ethics of Gilding Conservation
Elisabeth Cornu

Furniture Conservation Training Opportunities at SAAR in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Training in Furniture Conservation Through Winterthur’s Art Conservation Program
Greg Landrey

Preliminary Notes on the Use of Polysulfide Resin as Filler-Adhesive for Losses in Aged Leather
Robert Mussey

Treatment of a Late 19th Century ‘Peerless’ Portable Washstand Manufactured by the Hale & Kilburn Manufacturing Company 48 & 50 North Sixth Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Richard Sherin

The Technology and Conservation Treatment of a Nineteenth Century English ‘Papier Mache’ Chair
Dianne van der Reyden and Donald C. Williams

The Preparation for Display of a 24-foot Dugout Canoe
Andrew Zawacki